This is a picture of the new companionships after the transfers (maybe?):
This is Elder Booth with his new companion, Elder Fordham,
and Brother Romil and his cousin from the ward:
Subject: Mayara na Bago nga missionario (medyo)
Date: July 26, 2009 8:28:52 PM PDT
Date: July 26, 2009 8:28:52 PM PDT
Well it was great to hear about everyone. So I decided that if you wrote me (which I strongly recommend) I would just talk about it a little bit in the big letter so I would have time. It sounds like everybody is pretty busy with life. Mom and dad are spending a lot of time together, which is good. I guess they better get used to it since they have eternity to go. Wow. That really makes the whole wife thing crazy, no? Michele is still super woman so that has not changed much. Maybe some day we can all understand how it is really possible to do all that stuff and still be alive and smiling. I guess it helps out they are raising the next prodigies in sports and music. Mason and Caden sound like a blast as well. It's good they are taking out their fighting on each other. I really feel bad for the first kid who makes them both mad. They are some big boys. That would be a crazy little duo. I sure do miss all of that stuff. Oh well. It will still be there when I get back, I'm sure.
Things here have actually changed a little bit. I ended up staying in this area again, but I did get a new companion. I have the pleasure to follow up train again. Well follow up train, slash train. He is an American from California and has been here for a month. He really does not know any of the language and has not taught any of the lessons. Actually, his first time teaching was the first day with me. He is good, though. He just had a rough transfer with the trainer. He is ready to learn though, and I am ready to try and teach him all that I know, even if it is not that much. Oh, and his name is Elder Fordham. That's just if you wanted to know. So yea, that is the story with the transfers.
The area is doing really well. We had a great day at church and were able to get seven investigators there. There were just a couple that I was really disappointed about. Plus, I had another one of those experiences where a member walked up to me and said: "Here. He wants to be baptized, will you teach him?" So I did not waste any time and will actually be teaching him later today. We still have some of the coolest investigators in the world. I really love going to each and everyone of them. I got one to play basketball with us earlier today. He is my fave. We spent the fist five minutes laughing, then taught with the spirit, and then spent the last five minutes laughing again. He is the best. His parents just are not very supportive, which makes things kind of hard. I felt bad though when he got hit in the face and started to bleed everywhere. He was a champ though and just kept playing even though there was blood everywhere.
My funny experience was actually really not. For the first time I actually kind of got in a debate. I found out for the first time there really is not arguing with the Seventh-Day Adventist. They really stick to the belief. I ended up just telling them the only way to really know is pray and then I just left. I really hope they get the answer they are looking for. I will go back next week so I can give you all the details. Right now I am out 0f time so I will have to say good bye. Sorry. I love you all though, and hope the best. Thanks for the support.
Elder Booth
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