Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Mission President is leaving...

This next set of pictures is of the farewell party for President and Sister Dajugog (I couldn't read Elder Booth's handwriting, so this could be spelled wrong). Their three years is up! Elder Booth spoke highly of them and will truly miss them!

Here's a picture of some of the missionaries doing a little "skit."

Elder Wade and some other missionaries messing around:

Here's another couple of pictures of the leaving Mission
President and his wife with the missionaries:

and more missionaries...

and this must be all of them!

Elder Booth with President and Sister Dajugog:

Elder Booth's companion, Elder Sanchez, and the Mission President and his wife:

This time it's Elder Wade's turn:

Here's the letter Elder Booth sent home right after it happened:

Subject: It all changed
Date: June 29, 2009 4:17:03 AM PDT

Hey everybody. I will have to kind of make this a quick one, so I am sorry if you get disappointed. I tried to do this a little earlier, but when I got about half way through with the letter, the power went out here. So now we are running really late and I have to make this kind of fast. I don't want to be late for the investigators, after all.

Well this has been a crazy week. I think the craziest part would have to be the fact that our Mission President is leaving. We had his last conference just last Friday. It was supposed to be Thursday, but they changed it last second. It was kind of a big deal because some of the missionaries were not able to hear, so they ended up going anyway. Some of them live pretty far away, as well. I was lucky enough to find out through one of our ward missionaries that was working with us at the time. It was a fun conference, though. They had the entire Negroes Island come to it so there were a lot of people there. A lot of them prepared skits and stuff for the President for his going away. Some of them were really good. I have no idea where they got the time to put all of it together. I swear some of them had to take a couple of days to put together. Maybe not though, you never know. I guess I just have to have faith in my fellow missionaries. It was sure a crazy feeling though, when it was all over. I am really going to miss the President and his wife. I really don't know how I feel about getting a new one. I was just getting close to the one we have now. Now I just have to start all over again. I guess that is just adventure though, right? I think the next one is going to be really strict though, which is good. It is always nice when everyone is obedient. I don't really know when I will be able to tell you about him, though. I guess he takes over tomorrow night at five. I don't really know when I will be able to talk to him. I'm not sure if we will even have interviews this transfer. I will just let you know.

Other than that, this has been a really normal week. I have had some really spiritual experiences, though. I think the best one was when I visited sister Lisa. I think I told you about her before when we asked about her reading. This time we were not actually able to teach because she did not have anybody in the house with her. So I asked her if she had any questions about her reading. She then asked a bunch. I was really excited to answer them, of course, and had fun doing it. She really reads and tries to understand everything. I love it. At the end of the visit she told us about how she had actually been taught by missionaries before. She said she really was not interested before, but now with us she knows it's true. She just kept saying, "I don't know what you did differently." That really told me that I was supposed to be here. Man, I love those experiences. Well, I really have to get going as I am late now. I will tell you the funny stuff next time. I love you all and I hope you are doing well in the US. Thanks and have fun.

Elder Booth

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